In my experience there are almost as many reasons to seek therapy, as there are people. Most people come to me because they are hurting in some way or feel that their life is out of balance. Life may not be providing the satisfaction, ease, or meaning they want.

Therapy can help you be more relaxed, accepting, and understanding of self and others. Therapy can help you find new meaning, direction, internal resources, and happiness in your life.

Couples and family therapy can help you effectively resolve conflict while creating a relationship or set of relationships that foster a feeling of safety and a place for growth. Therapy can help empower parents to balance nurturing and limit-setting in order to grow successful, happy children that are kind to themselves and others. Therapy provides tools to help families use their strengths more effectively.

In all of my work I strive to create and sustain a safe space for people to risk sharing deep concerns. I am an active participant in the therapeutic conversation, providing feedback and posing the provocative questions that will bring you back to your deeper inner knowing. We co-create an atmosphere of trust and respect that allows you to focus on your most personal challenges openly and honestly. Compassion, empathy, warmth, and humor are all ingredients of the relationship we will establish. Ultimately, the most important outcome is that you leave therapy feeling better and able to make positive changes in your life.

Teletherapy Available Now
Susan Buniva is Teletherapy provider in Richmond, VA
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